A warm welcome
When you come to our Sunday Services, you can expect to be welcomed at the door. Bibles and hymn books will be given to you as needed. We are a small, friendly congregation of all different age groups and backgrounds.
Our services
Our services are held in the main chapel building and worship is simple, sincere and reverent. There is a Sunday school room out the back, where you can take children during the service, if you would like. A live relay of the service will be available in the Sunday room during the service.
Our services last between 1-1.5 hours and are led by the preacher. During the service, we sing hymns and psalms to simple tunes, accompanied by an organ. The Bible (King James Version) is read and the passage explained; there is prayer where we bring praise to God and thank Him and ask Him for help and care. A children’s talk will also be given during the morning service. The sermon lasts between 30 to 45 minutes where the Word of God is preached, explained and applied, encouraging us in our faith and proclaiming Christ to all who are in attendance.
Baptism, membership and the Lord’s Supper
We believe that Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are two New Testament Ordinances ordained and practised by Christ Jesus Himself and that baptism should be by immersion and follow faith in Christ. It is a declaration that the person being baptised was once spitritually dead, meaning they did not know Jesus as their Saviour, but now they are made alive in Christ, having repented of their sin and are now forgiven, being united with Christ in spirit. The candidate would be a regular attendee at services and have testified to the saving work of God’s Grace toward them.
Once an individual has made this declaration, they apply to become a member of the church, where they enjoy church-member privileges, such as partaking in the Lord’s Supper (Communion).
Our Communion service takes place immediately after the evening service on the first Sunday of each month in the main chapel. Anyone wishing to receive communion, needs to be a baptised believer and a member in good standing with their church, and must discuss their faith and New-birth with one of the Church Officers beforehand. Please contact us if you have any questions.
All those who are not taking part in the Communion service are most welcome to observe.
At the end of each service there is an opportunity to chat, and sometimes we have refreshments after the evening service. There is also a chance to speak with the preacher, and ask any questions you may have.
There is a Sunday school room out the back for multi-purpose use, with a relay system for the services. We have full disabled access and baby changing facilities. There is a kitchen for refreshments.
All welcome
It may be that you have never been in a church building before, or have never been at a church like this. Please be assured of a sincere welcome. The Bible says that true and lasting happiness only comes through having the living God as our help and our hope (from Psalm 146:5). We desire to bring glory to the God of Heaven and earth, and to enjoy the blessings of knowing God through his Son, Jesus Christ.
So, please, do visit us. We are ready to answer any questions you may have and to explain more about God’s Good News to us. We hope to see you soon.